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OHS management software application for OHS reporting


What is The Patient Safety Company's OHS software?

Our Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) application is the solution for reporting and analysing your OHS/EHS incidents.

The OHS legislation imposes a number of (high) requirements on organizations. Two important topics are: unsafe situations and the so-called (notifiable) workplace accidents. For both it is desirable to have a flexible and user-friendly system to record OHS reports.

The use of our OHS application promotes proactive safety behaviour of your employees and helps to prevent and limit additional damage, in the broadest sense. From the central database you can quickly realize the (mandatory) internal and external communication to, for example, the Labor Inspectorate and thus replace lengthy paper-based or other obscure procedures.

OHS Incident reporting & analysis

The software offers various possibilities to analyse the OHS reports. This gives employees and management insight into undesirable situations and accidents and it allows you to plan targeted improvement actions in the future. By showing that the organization takes these reports of, for example, unsafe situations seriously, employee satisfaction will increase.

Do you want to know more about our other software solutions? Our platform offers flexibility and is fast; take a look at the application overview.

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Benefits of using our OHS application

See below for more information on the benefits of the OHS application or download the product sheet with all the information.

  • Online reporting
    Each employee has the possibility to report OHS/EHS incidents online. Additional information and recommendations are sorted and divided by predefined processes. Recommendations for follow-up of actions are monitored.
  • Minimal training
    Any employee involved in the OHS process – whether he/she takes decisions, monitors recommendations or is responsible for monitoring progress – only has to learn specific areas of the back office.
  • Flexible design
    The system can be fully aligned with your organizational structure and procedures. Required amendments can be implemented at any given time, without any need for IT support.
  • Rapid uptake
    The user-friendly design of the application ensures rapid uptake by the employees. Only HR officers and department managers require some basic training.
  • Dashboards & reporting
    Personal management dashboards give you a real-time overview of the OHS incidents, their status and processing times. Preset templates allow you to create the desired monthly, quarterly or annual reports at the click of a button.
  • Fully customizable online forms;
  • Include 25 question types to record the required information;

The impact of using our OHS software solution

If the digital incident management solution is properly implemented, the impact will be noticeable throughout your entire organization. See below for an overview of some results that can be achieved:

  1. 1
    Employee commitment in the case of incidents will increase and thus the willingness to report (near) incidents;
  2. 2
    The efficiency of your organization improves as information is digitally and centrally accessible;
  3. 3
    The quality of your organization and services improves by learning from (near) incidents and implementing improvements in your processes;
  4. 4
    The learning effects within your organization are ever-increasing as departments start to exchange experiences and improvement proposals;
  5. 5
    A safe workplace is created for employees, with less risks for other stakeholders and the direct environment;
  6. 6
    Failure costs (for high-risk projects) decrease as adjustments can be implemented quickly and activities need to be put on hold for less time;
  7. 7
    The profitability of your organization improves as a result of the combination of the above factors.

Benefits TPSC CloudTM software

With our software, a complete Patient Safety platform is ready for you.


Flexible platform

Access anytime, anywhere, securely managed in the cloud. Flexible and scalable to organize due to the modular structure. With many options to adjust each part to your own needs.


Easy implementation

Quick and easy to set up. Due to the user-friendly design, no programming knowledge is required for the implementation. Our consultants are ready to help with your configuration.


Low cost

Our software is a cost-efficient solution for patient safety management, because many of the building blocks have already been made for you! Suitable for both small and large organizations.

Incident management

Overview ready-made applications:

We have various ready-made applications for the organization of your incident management. You can quickly start using these applications and adapt them to the specific situation in your organization.

Our valued customers include

Want to learn more about our software?

Schedule a free online demo or discuss your needs with a specialist.

  • Learn things like creating an incident reporting form
  • See how easily you can analyse incidents and quality-related data